We interviewed Erik Knudsen (Physics Dept. at the Technical University Denmark – DTU, and observer in PaNOSC WP5) on the McStas python interface McStasScript for X-ray telescope simulations. Erik collaborates with DTU Space, which has been designing a new telescope, NuSTAR, and is currently designing a new flagship mission for the European Space Agency, called […]
ReadOn March 12th, 2021, PaNOSC coordinator, Andy Götz, attended with an invited talk the 2nd online workshop of the Battery2030+ Initiative, focused on the benefits of research data management (RDM) and guidelines, through the showcase of best practice examples. PaNOSC vision is to create a Scientific Data Commons for Photon and Neutron sources and make […]
ReadOn 23 February, 2021, Loic Huder, Software engineer at ESRF, attended February’s JupyterLab Community Call, to present a JupyterLab extension being developed at ESRF to explore and visualize HDF5 file contents: jupyterlab-h5web [1]. The HDF5 file format allows to store multiple datasets in a single file and to organize the therein data in groups. Metadata […]
ReadWe interviewed Ibrahim Dawod, PhD student at the European XFEL and at Uppsala University in Sweden, to learn more about the use of the photon simulation environments, SimEx and Gromacs, for bioimaging. WATCH THE INTERVIEW (and demo) HERE SIMEX is a unique simulation framework that uses some of most advanced simulation tools and integrates them […]
ReadIn the frame of the H2020 CALIPSOplus project, a white paper was released, which identifies the needs specific to synchrotrons and FELs towards the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and how these research infrastructures and their user communities can best take advantage of the EOSC. The CALIPSOplus project brings together all photon sources in Europe. […]
ReadPaNOSC, in the frame of work package 5, has been developing the Virtual Neutron and X-ray Laboratory (ViNYL), which will offer services for simulation and modelling of neutron and photon sources, beamlines and experimental instrument, as well as start-to-end simulations to describe entire experiments at photon and neutron facilities. Juncheng E, scientist for photon experiment simulations […]
ReadPaNOSC and ExPaNDS are developing data management and analysis services for the photon and neutron user community. These services will be available first locally and in the future via the EOSC. To help as large a user community as possible, PaNOSC has launched a call for Use Cases for the data management services being developed. Anyone […]
ReadMads Bertelsen (European Spallation Source) is a PaNOSC contributor in work package 5 – Virtual Neutron and X-ray laboratory (ViNYL). His work is focused on developing neutron scattering simulation tools, ensuring that they can be exposed as online services. We interviewed Dr. Bertelsen, to learn more on the new Phyton API McStasScript developed in PaNOSC. […]
ReadPaNOSC congratulates the new Executive Board (EB) of the EOSC Association. Four project partners are among the members (ESRF, CERIC-ERIC, European XFEL and the ESS). The project coordinator, Andy Götz, stated: “This is a critical step, as now the EOSC has a well defined executive structure which will be able to oversee and steer the […]
ReadDr. Elisa Bergami, PhD in Ecotoxicology, is a post-doc fellow at the University of Siena, Italy. She has been working in the field of Environmental Sciences, with a focus on the impact of nanoplastics on marine organisms in Antarctica. In a study recently published in The Royal Society Biology Letters, Dr. Bergami – with a […]
ReadIn the frame of PaNOSC WP5 – Virtual Neutron and X-ray Laboratory (VINYL), a new publication has been released in the SPIE Digital Library: Proceedings Volume 11493, Advances in Computational Methods for X-Ray Optics V; 114930B (2020). Abstract In this work, the advances in the development of WISER are reported. WISER is a wave optics-based simulation library […]
ReadOver 140 participants, including IT professionals, researchers and managers from photon and neutron facilities, and representatives of the EOSC landscape, attended the 1st online Photon and Neutron EOSC Symposium, jointly organized by PaNOSC and ExPaNDS on 9th November. The projects’ annual meeting followed on 10th – 11th November, gathering PaNOSC and ExPaNDS managers and contributors […]
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