The DOI for data

The Digital Object Identifier, or DOI, is a persistent link, and specifically, it is an identifier allowing data to be traced from production to publication. By citing DOIs in all their publications, users guarantee the traceability of all the details of their experiment. This includes the request for beamtime, the experimental parameters and conditions, the instrumentation used, the data obtained, the analysis of this data, and the names of the research team members.

DOIs are persistent and stable references for scientific data, and enable data to be easily and reliably found, used and cited.

PaN facilities have been working to allow the assignation of DOIs to experiments’ data sets, through to their publication.

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The video has been realised as part of the now completed FILL2030 (2017-2021) and PaNOSC (2018-2022) projects, which have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under grant agreement No. 731096 and No. 823852, respectively.

In the frame of the now completed PaNOSC project (2018-2022), the original video realised by its partner Institute Laue-Langevin – ILL in 2018 was updated for all PaN facilities in Europe to be represented.

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