
Data Storage

Through this section, you will be able to get a brief description of the data storage services being provided by PaNOSC’s members.

Data repositories

PaN facilities are committed to storing raw data produced by users at the research facilities and making it available as Open Data once the embargo period is over. Users can browse, download and store data at the following repositories:

Digital Object Identifiers

PaN facilities offer Digital Object Identifiers for raw and processed data. These can be generated automatically for the data generated during the beam time or manually for a subset of the data which are referenced by a publication. Users are requested to contact the local data managers at each institute on how to reference the DOIs and or create new DOIs. Journals require DOIs for data to be included in publications. PaNOSC strongly encourages scientists to reference DOIs in their publications. An educational campaign to encourage and increase the use of DOIs was co-sponsored by PaNOSC (see DOI for Data).

Archiving data

PaN facilities offer long-term archiving facilities for storing curated data for 10 years or more. This service is made available via the local data catalogues. The long-term storage capacity varies from a few to many petabytes.

COVID-19 Open Data

During the COVID-19 pandemic, PaN facilities supported making COVID-19 data available as Open Data. Most of them signed the COVID-19 manifesto to provide COVID-19 related data without restrictions as soon as possible. The project encourages COVID-19 data to be registered in the EU COVID-19 data portal:

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