The science clusters have grown out of five collaborative projects funded by the European Union in 2019 to link ESFRI and other world-class Research Infrastructures (RIs) to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The services developed by the clusters and other outcomes of the projects are cornerstones of the emerging EOSC fabric and support both disciplinary communities and multidisciplinary initiatives with harmonised models for access to data, tools, workflows and training. Each cluster unites multiple RIs in their specific scientific domain:
- Astronomy and Particle Physics
- Environmental Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Photon and Neutron (PaN) Science
- Social Sciences and Humanities
Research that addresses the big societal challenges needs collaboration across disciplines. The science clusters have developed a joint strategy to enhance Europe’s scientific instruments and research infrastructures for cross-disciplinary research.
In fact, the Science Clusters build bridges between scientific communities, their infrastructures, and the EOSC. Different research communities have different traditions, standards, and data practices. The role of the clusters is to connect these communities by providing services that catalyse interdisciplinary research.
Working together, the Science Clusters create a cross-border open innovation environment for FAIR data, ensuring improved access to data, tools, and resources from less traditional disciplines, and catalysing new insights and innovation.