
Watch the recordings of the webinar on vscode-h5web – a VSCode extension to explore and visualize HDF5 files

On August 31st, the HDF Group hosted the webinar on vscode-h5web – a VSCode extension to explore and visualize HDF5 files.

H5Web is a web viewer for HDF5 files. It can be used to browse HDF5 files and display datasets with performant WebGL-based visualisations. While such files can be requested from a separate server (e.g. HSDS) for modularity, it is now possible to load and explore a file fully in the browser by using a WebAssembly HDF5 library called h5wasm.

Loïc Huder showed how the team leveraged h5wasm to design a VSCode extension that uses H5Web to explore and visualise HDF5 files. Once the H5Web extension is installed, exploring and visualising a local HDF5 file in VSCode can be done with a simple double-click.

Watch the recordings of the talk here

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