PaNOSC present at LaserLab meeting on Data Management and Open Data

PaNOSC was represented at the Workshop on Data Handling and Open Data held on 7 December 2018 at Instituto Superior Tecnico in Lisbon, Portugal, within the framework of the Laserlab Network on Experiments and Operation (NEO).
The workshop, which was co-organised by the ELI Delivery Consortium. built on the outcomes of the first workshop held in March 2017 in Berlin, where the concepts of data management and open data had been introduced and discussed, and specifically focused on the strategy for data management applied by Laserlab-Europe partners and the Extreme Light Infrastructure. The programme included talks by speakers from different communities.
PaNOSC members gave 3 talks:
- PaNOSC – Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud by Andy Götz (ESRF)
- Planning ahead data management at ELI – state-of-play and open questions by Florian Gliksohn (ELI-DC)
- Making FAIR data a reality – Reflections on ESRF’s experience by Andy Götz (ESRF)