PaNOSC at the ESCAPE kick-off meeting
On 7-8 February, PaNOSC project manager, Jordi Bodera Sempere, attended the kick-off meeting of the H2020 ESCAPE EOSC project, which represents the European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics.
H2020-ESCAPE aims to address the Open Science challenges shared by ESFRI facilities (CTA, ELT, EST, FAIR, HL-LHC, KM3NeT, SKA) as well as other pan-European research infrastructures (CERN, ESO, JIV-ERIC, EGO-Virgo) in astronomy and particle physics research domains.
The official project launch date was 1 February 2019. The project has a runtime of 42 months and it will be coordinated by CNRS-LAPP, Annecy.
On the 1st day of the meeting, the 31 European project partners had the opportunity to have an overview of and discuss the activities planned in all project’s work packages. ESFRI and other world-class astronomy and particle physics research infrastructures were also presented.
During the 2nd day of the meeting, the first project’s General Assembly and Executive Board meetings took place, with the goal of starting the implementation of the project’s governance plan.
Download the meeting’s welcome slides (with an overview about the project) at this link.
Visit the ESCAPE website here.