Thematic Discovery Marketplaces for the EOSC
On the occasion of the EOSC-hub / FREYA / SSHOC event: Realising the European Open Science Cloud, taking place on 16-19 November 2020, PaNOSC will take part in the plenary session “Thematic Discovery Marketplaces for the European Open Science Cloud.
The session is scheduled on 6 November, 11.00-12.30 CET.
Watch the event’s recordings:
This session aims to showcase the ecosystem of thematic marketplaces for the EOSC and their role as aggregators. EOSChub will kickstart the session by painting the landscape and to start with landscape and the recently published EOSC Iron Lady report. All 5 EOSC cluster projects will highlight how each of their value propositions relate to the EOSC portal based on key lines of activities that cluster projects need to align on with the EOSC portal for aggregation such as UX design & development, content & sources, curation & governance. We’ll discover the similarities and differences in these approaches, share best practices and identify possibilities for future collaborations.
- EOSC-hub – Owen Appleton
- ENVRI-FAIR Data/service catalogue- Andreas Petzold / Daniele Bailo
- ESCAPE: software and service repository – Kay Graf
- EOSC-Life: Registries for software and workflows – Carole Goble
- PANOSC: Federated Catalog service – Tobias Richter
- SSHOC: SSH Open Marketplace – Frank Fischer