
PaNOSC WP3 Catalogue Integration Best Practices Meeting

Save the date for the PaNOSC WP3 Catalogue Integration Best Practices Meeting, taking place online on 18-20 May 2021.

In PaNOSC Work Package 3 – Data Catalogue Services, the partners create means for users and third parties to find datasets from photon and neutron sources using domain-specific search terms. 

The workshop organised as part of the WP3, “MS3.3 Catalogue Integration Best Practices Meeting”, aims at presenting and analysing a wide set of specific and common best practices that are currently in production at PaN partner facilities. The best practices will include particular setups and integration of the tools and services developed in the context of PaNOSC WP3, as well their connections and integration in the production environment of each facility with a clear scope of collecting “lesson learned” exercises. The main outcome of the workshop is to help the PaNOSC partner facilities accelerate the integration of the PaNOSC set of tools and services, as well as facilitate and speed up the eventual adoption of those tools and services by facilities that already have similar services in production.

Contact with service providers from EOSC-Hub (B2Find) have been made, and various options have been explored. Exposing catalogues to OpenAIRE and/or repositories of the similar richness of metadata should be the first step.

To go beyond the generic search features of OpenAIRE, the partners have been having exchanges on their current local practises, activities and plans, to align on a common definition of standard metadata for the scientific domains at the partner facilities. This activity also informs the local integration of data catalogues with the data sources (e.g. experimental stations).  

In the task that aims to use definitions of the community-driven NeXus file format for searches, the partner institutes should first familiarise themselves with the format and its governance processes. For sustainability reasons, it is critical that the PANOSC partners seek buy-in of community. The plan is to initiate this in a multi-day workshop meeting with partners and observers, to showcase the current state of NeXus and see what requirements from partners may need to be addressed by new NeXus definitions.