
ExPaNDS kick-off meeting

The H2020 ExPaNDS project will be officially launched on 11-12 September at the DESY accelerator centre in Hamburg – Germany.

The event aims to start the project and the work within the different work packages, and to identify relationships and cooperation opportunities with other projects (such as PaNOSC, EOSC Synergy, EOSC Pillar, EOSC Nordic, NI4OS) and their WPs. The meeting will start with the organisation of the action plan in each WP, in order to take the first steps towards their implementation.

The timetable of the event is available here.

The EOSC Photon and Neutron Data Service ExPaNDS’s ambition is to coordinate activities to enable national Photon and Neutron Research Infrastructures to make the majority of their data ‘open’ following the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) according to the user’s needs, and to harmonise their efforts to migrate their data analysis workflows to EOSC platforms enabling them to be shared in a uniform way.

Visit the event website here.