Work Package 8 – Staff and User Training
Work package 8 focuses on providing user and staff training in the realm of PaNOSC.
The Gantt chart below shows the schedule for activities, deliverables, and milestones in WP8.

The technical platform for WP8 is, which has been adapted from (developed in the EU projects NMI3 and SINE2020 specifically for neutron scattering). As part of PaNOSC, the platform – which will provide training resources for both staff and users of PaN sources – has been migrated to ESS and will be tailored to the needs of PaNOSC partners, i.e. the content will be expanded to cater for both the photon and neutron scattering communities and training related to outcomes of PaNOSC including data stewardship and data analysis.
The platform has so far been developed by staff at the European Spallation Source (ESS), Technical University of Denmark and University of Copenhagen, which will also support the migration and further development of teaching materials. ELI is also involved in the design team and integration of Jupyter technology.
A programme of workshops for training staff at the PaN facilities will be implemented starting 2021 in the field of data stewardship, to transfer the know-how on the use of the e-learning platform and develop new courses.
WP8 will also integrate Jupyter technology from WP4 into the e-learning platform to enable development of tutorials.
In addition, WP8 intends to leverage the developments in WP5 to enable the use of instrument simulations for teaching purposes.
Deliverables WP8:
- D8.1 – Report on lessons learned and future prospects for adopting best practices data stewardship at the PaNOSC facilities
- D8.2 – Report on lessons learned for adopting the e-learning platform at the PaNOSC facilities
- D8.3 – Teaching material for users of PaNOSC services, FAIR principles, and the PaNOSCS facilities accessible in the e-learning platform aat
- D8.4 – Closing report including report from summer school