EOSC-Life brings together biological and medical RIs to create an open collaborative space for digital biology in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). It aims to publish FAIR life science data resources for cloud use creating an ecosystem of innovative tools in EOSC and enabling groundbreaking data-driven research in Europe by connecting life scientists to EOSC.
The project connects 13 ESFRI research infrastructures under the umbrella of the European Open Science Cloud. Together they cover all aspects of life science research and all life science domains.
In EOSC-Life, research infrastructures will publish data from facilities and data resources in the EOSC and link these FAIR databases to open and reusable Tools and Workflows accessible to users via Europe’s national and international life-science clouds. EOSC-Life will also connect users across Europe to a single login authentication and resource authorisation system and develop data policies needed to preserve and deepen the trust given by research participants and patients volunteering their data and samples.
This means that scientists will have access to advanced data services, technology platforms, samples and support services throughout the European Research Area and that the resulting data will be openly accessible for reuse through the European Open Science Cloud in full compliance with all ethical, regulatory and legal requirements.
This new ecosystem of life science data and tools will also serve as an open platform where the community of developers and software engineers can collaboratively develop and publish novel reusable and reproducible workflows.
To achieve its goal, EOSC-Life will run a series of open calls for user research which will allow Europe’s large research community to adopt advanced data management practice and access data integration and large-scale analysis tools in the cloud. In addition to academic users, the project will also specifically reach out to industry, SMEs and regional bio-clusters and explore new models to develop the scientific and innovation potential of FAIR data in industry led research projects.