Watch the video on OASYS – OrAnge SYnchrotron Suite
OASYS is a collaborative project that created a software environment for modelling X-ray sources, optical systems and experiments. Since 2013, the OASYS platform is a versatile, user-friendly and open-source simulation tool used in many synchrotron facilities and other research laboratories. OASYS is based on the ability to integrate, in a synergetic way, the most powerful calculation engines available to perform virtual experiments in a synchrotron beamline. In matter of minutes, users can implement in a workflow diagram the different components (sources, mirrors, monochromators, etc.) that constitute their beamline or experiment. It has great flexibility for collaborative work, allowing new widgets and add-ons to be written by users and scientists.
The typical physical results are power, flux, resolving power, focal sizes, intensity distributions, or coherent fractions, which can be easily displayed or tabulated. OASYS is a new and powerful software suite that helps in the day to day work of scientists and engineers using synchrotron radiation. The embracement of open-source technology makes it a free tool for the synchrotron community and also benefits from external libraries and algorithms.
The OASYS project is coordinated by Luca Rebuffi and Manuel Sanchez del Rio and has been created with resources from different synchrotron facilities (ESRF, Elettra, APS, ALS). It also integrates well-known simulation packages in the synchrotron world, like SHADOW or SRW. OASYS is co-financed by the PaNOSC project from the EC and is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).