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Scientists are invited to create new training content in the field of photon and neutron science on To learn about the PaN e-learning platform, watch the newly released video by PaNOSC contributor, Stella d’Ambrumenil.
Watch the video here
PaN-learning is a Photon and Neutron (PaN) e-learning platform funded by the PaNOSC and ExPaNDS H2020 projects, which provides free education and training for scientists and students. Beamline scientists at PaN facilities and university academics are welcome to create their own courses on the platform.
PaN-learning is based on the Moodle learning management system used by many universities and schools around the world. Moodle allows you to follow students’ progress, create quizzes with immediate feedback and include interactive H5P content. Videos, written notes and links to third party content can also be included.
The most unique part of pan-learning is the ability to attach Jupyter notebooks to a course. Notebooks are an excellent way for scientists to demonstrate how their data reduction and analysis works.
A JupyterHub container can be launched from a course page, which runs on servers at the European Spallation Source. The container pulls notebooks directly from a teacher’s github page, so if changes are made there, the course updates automatically. Having the notebooks run remotely is perfect for introducing python-based techniques to those unfamiliar with it.
Create an account on pan-learning by simply filling in an online form, or simply using your UmbrellaID or ORCID credentials.
PaN-learning also has a wiki, which does not require a log on to access. There you will find wikipedia-style articles on the theory of neutron science, along with exercises to test understanding.
To further populate the platform with additional content on photon and neutron science, we invite beamline scientists and university academics to create their own courses on the platform.
If you are interested, and should you have any further question, please contact