Video interview – Integrating UmbrellaID with eduTEAMS for seamless access to data services
We interviewed Jean-François Perrin (Head of IT at ILL – Institut Laue-Langevin), Christos Kanellopoulos (Senior and Identity Manager at GÉANT), Mirjam van Daalen (Chief of Staff of the Photon Science Division at the Paul Scherrer Institut, and Chair of the UmbrellaID Committee) and Björn Erik Abt (IT security officer at Paul Scherrer Institut, and Head of the technical team of UmbrellaID) on the work carried out in the frame of PaNOSC WP6 – EOSC integration, towards the set-up of a federated authorization and authentication infrastructure (AAI) for the users of photon and neutron sources, which will allow a seamless access to data and data services.
Since 2012, the photon and neutron community has been using UmbrellaID as AAI. However, there has been the need to work with an experienced partner such as Géant, to provide a more sustainable service for users’ authentication.
In the frame of PaNOSC, the PaN AAI service, UmbrellaID, is being integrated with the eduTEAMS service operated by GÉANT. This integration is planned to be completed by the end of 2019, and is expected to provide full compatibility of our community AAI with EOSC and the other community services. “For the whole community, this is really an important step”, states Perrin.
Currently, the process is at the end of the 1st phase of implementation, which implies the migration of services from existing UmbrellaID infrastructure to the new Umbrella AAI powered by GÉANT. The following phases will allow the new Umbrella AAI to be available to the PaN user community.
With this integration, three main goals will be achieved. As Christos Kanellopoulos states, “we will firstly make the service more user-friendly, we will deliver more services to the PaN user community, and at the same time we will enable the research infrastructures (RIs) in PaNOSC to provide these services as EOSC services to other RIs outside the EOSC community, thus contributing directly to the EOSC vision of creating a shared pool of services available to the European scientists”.