SSHOC kick-off meeting

On the 11th and 12th of March 2019, the kick-off meeting of the H2020 project SSHOC – the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud took place in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
The event started with an introductory speech by Ron Dekker, SSHOC’s coordinator and CESSDA director, and continued with an overview on SSHOC’s strategic outlook and on its relationship with the EOSC world. A special focus was given to the other four ESFRI cluster projects funded under the European Union H2020 Programme “INFRA-EOSC-2018” (ENVRI-FAIR, PANOSC, ESCAPE, EOSC-LIFE).
The second day focused on the single work packages and on SSHOC’s next steps and timeline.
With a duration of 40 months, the SSHOC initiative started in January 2019 and will continue up until April 2022. SSHOC will develop a new cloud-based infrastructure to make data, tools and training available for scholars in the social sciences and humanities.
Download the event’s agenda here.