
PaNOSC at the ESFRI RIs and EOSC Workshop

Rudolf Dimper, Head of the Technical Infrastructure Division at the ESRF, presented PaNOSC at the ESFRI RIs and EOSC workshop, held in London on 30 January 2019.

The event focused on the relationship between ESFRI, ESFRI Research Infrastructures (RIs) and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) stakeholders, to foster the optimal integration of ESFRI RIs in the EOSC ecosystem. Participants had the occasion to share existing good practices and examples of collaborations in the fields of open science policies, data and services’ sharing and re-use (including the adoption of FAIR principles and the appropriate criteria for reproducibility of data and research results), and the possible strategies for federating into the EOSC the already developed good practices and services.

The workshop also allowed to further discuss and better understand issues related to EOSC architecture, access, and interfaces, governance and participation rules, as well as future training activities.

Download the presentation by R. Dimper, giving an overview about the project.

Download the report about the event published by ESFRI.

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