H5Web is a web tool to easily browse, inspect and visualise data in HDF5 files, which has been integrated in the ESRF’s data portal. Using a web technology such as H5Web means that users don’t have to download heavy HDF5 files to their machines when running code on remote servers. The viewer runs in JupyterLab […]
ReadWe interviewed Dr. Claire Walsh, Senior Research Fellow at the University College London and the ESRF, and part of the team that developed the Human Organ Atlas. The Human Organ Atlas is an online database of human organs scanned with a new technology developed at ESRF, called HiP-CT, Hierarchical Phase-Contrast Tomography, which allows to scan […]
ReadAn OASYS hands-on tutorial for simulating propagation of X-rays along beamline optics was held in March 15 and 17 2022, in the context of the European HERCULES school. This year, for the first time, the tutorial used the infrastructure set by the PaNOSC project. Students accessed the course material in the pan-learning.org platform, which aims […]
ReadWe interviewed PaNOSC contributor from CERIC-ERIC, Andrea Lorenzon, on H5nuvola, a web tool written in Python, to visualise, explore and analyse HDF5 data generated at photon sources. WATCH THE VIDEO
ReadMcXtrace 3.0 “next generation” release is now available, with a completely rewritten code-generator and thereby support for GPU-acceleration through the OpenACC programming model. McXtrace is a general Monte Carlo ray-tracing software for simulation X-ray beamlines and experiments, distributed under the open source license of GPL. Currently, the active partners behind the McXtrace project is DTU Physics […]
ReadWe interviewed Mousumi Upadhyay Kahaly, leading the Computational Materials Science team at ELI-ALPS (ELI ERIC) in Szeged, Hungary, to share her view on FAIR data and its benefits for the research community and society at large. WATCH THE VIDEO
ReadThe multinational company GPixel* uses the HDF5 file format extensively for validation, characterisation and volume production testing of image sensors. The company has recently adopted two software developed within PaNOSC: H5Web, the web-based HDF5 file viewer, and H5Grove, the Python package for serving HDF5 files. HDF5 is a format to store data and metadata in a […]
ReadWe interviewed Alessandra Gianoncelli – beamline scientist at the TwinMic X-ray microscopy beamline at the CERIC synchrotron facility at Elettra, Italy – to share her view on FAIR data and its benefits for the research community and society at large. WATCH THE VIDEO
ReadThe outcomes and future of the two EOSC projects PaNOSC and ExPaNDS were presented at the LEAPS General Assembly on 17 September 2021 and the LEAPS plenary meeting on 20-21 October 2021. The two projects include almost all members of LEAPS and LENS, and therefore the adoption and sustainability of the services developed in PaNOSC […]
ReadNearly 120 IT professionals, scientists and managers from the Photon and Neutron (PaN) community attended the 2nd European PaN EOSC Symposium organised jointly by PaNOSC and ExPaNDS on 26th October 2021. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE The first session focused on the grants’ main goals, challenges and achievements, with a joint presentation by projects’ coordinators Patrick […]
ReadWe interviewed Dr. Stella d’Ambrumenil, contributor in PaNOSC WP8 for staff & user training. Stella shared her views on the benefits of Open Data, and on the steps to be taken to make research data more FAIR. WATCH THE VIDEO Stella, with a PhD in Chemistry, and currently post-doc at the Data Management and Software […]
ReadThe Human Organ Atlas is now online, with data on studies using the new technique Hierarchical Phase-Contrast Tomography (HIP-CT), an X-ray tomography technology, for imaging whole human bodies at multiple anatomical levels, from organs to cells. Histology using optical and electron microscopy images cells and other structures with sub-micron accuracy but only on small biopsies […]
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