Interview with PaN user Petr Čermák on the benefits of Open Data and Open Science
We interviewed PaN user Petr Čermák, researcher at the Materials Growth & Measurement Laboratory in the Czech Republic, who shared his views on EOSC, Open Data and Open Science, by presenting his experience of Data Management.
Watch the interview here:
Click the links below to listen specifically to Petr Čermák’s replies to the following questions:
- What cultural change is required now for Open Science to be a success?
- What are the two biggest constraints preventing this cultural change?
- What kind of tools do you think are more urgently needed to turn research data into FAIR data?
- What is the main added value that you see in the European Open Science Cloud initiative?
- What was the outcome of the hands-on sessions on Open Science you have run in the past?
- What was your experience with the ILL data management?
- Can you think of the main arguments for institutions and facilities to encourage Open Science practices?
- How would scientific journals benefit from Open Science practices?
Video interview conducted by Steph Monfront (ILL) and Nicoletta Carboni (CERIC-ERIC)
Video credits: ILL, Institut Laue-Langevin