Fruitful exchanges of knowledge and expertise at the EGI conference

The EGI conference held on 6-8 May in Amsterdam gathered the EGI Community to discuss the state of the art of the EGI Federation, future and emerging trends, requirements and experiences: national, local and at the level of the data centre. The event, which gave also the opportunity to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Operations of the EGI Federation, had a programme mixing topical sessions, workshops and space for debate on topics related to the EGI Federation. The topics of the conference were:
- Compute, storage and data management
- Workflow, orchestration, data analytics
- Federated Authentication-Authorization infrastructure – Community developments
- Techs and Ops: the Federation at work
PaNOSC representatives from different work packages attended the event to exchange knowledge and expertise with colleagues from EGI, as well as other EOSC projects, partners and initiatives. Different technical solutions were discussed, with the goal of providing more user-friendly and versatile services and computational environments to future users, towards the further implementation of FAIR principles.
The PaNOSC presentation by Jamie Hall, Jean-François Perrin and Philippe Le Brouster from ILL showcased the expected outcomes of the project at the PaN facilities of the partners involved for what concerns adoption of FAIR open data policies, harmonization of metadata catalogues used, expected amount of data produced, adoption of commons APIs, EOSC integration, etc. Some examples of data transfer use cases which are typical in PaN infrastructures have also been presented. For further details about the presentation, download it here.
The conference was followed by the Design your e-Infrastructure Workshop on 9 May 2019, intended for research communities and research infrastructures who wish to become active users of EGI services.