European Strategy on Accelerator-based Photon Sources – ESAPS 2022 – Published
On 23 May, the LEAPS initiative released the European Strategy on Accelerator-based Photon sources – ESAPS2022, after its adoption at the General Assembly Meeting of LEAPS on March 11, 2022. The document has been presented also to the European Parliament on 31 May.
ESAPS 2022 is a coherent plan addressing the future challenges and needs of the new era in research and innovation, designed to put Europe in a global leadership position in this important technology of the future. It charts a route into the future that features environmentally friendly technologies and research strategies to support solving societal challenges while making a critical contribution to keep Europe at the international forefront of research and development.
The strategy encompasses:
- The expansion of service provision to speed-up emerging research for societal challenges enabling new strategic long-term cooperation with European Partnerships (also increasing resilience).
- The coordinated upgrade of synchrotron radiation facilities implementing a disruptive high-brilliance electron lattice.
- Continuous development of FELs.
- Joining forces to enhance facility operation by implementing new digital technologies (an inclusive coordinated development of key enabling [AI-assisted] technologies will integrate all European stakeholders from academia and industry).
In chapter four of the document, and specifically in the paragraph dedicated to open science, PaNOSC and ExPaNDS are explicitly mentioned as projects which have steered the process towards more FAIR data practices at LEAPS facilities.
The document lists the main outcomes of PaNOSC and ExPaNDS (publication of open data, the development of federated open data catalogues, EOSC-ready community Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure – AAI, and services for remote data analysis, simulation and an e-learning platform), considering them as necessary for the adoption of FAIR data practices and to fully exploit data coming out of the LEAPS facilities.
And it continues “LEAPS has put large efforts into realising the idea of open science beyond the EOSC clusters PaNOSC/ExPaNDS, by supporting the FAIR principles of data produced at their facilities also in nationally funded initiatives. Many LEAPS members became members of the EOSC Association. Thereby, LEAPS strongly supports the principles of the EOSC improving the situation of researchers and deepening the new European Research Area”.