EOSC FAIR WG call for a team of experts on FAIR principles’ legal and regulatory issues
The EOSC FAIR Working Group has launched a call for a team of experts to develop and deliver a study on legal and regulatory issues related to the application of FAIR principles across and within different EU jurisdictions.
The experts should provide a state-of-the-art analysis on legal and regulatory issues and developments at the EU level, explicitly building on existing research and reports relevant to this study. The final report should provide concrete recommendations for inclusion in the EOSC Interoperability Framework that address and seek to overcome the key legal challenges faced.
The study should concentrate particularly on issues of how the application of FAIR principles is enabled or blocked by legal regimes over the EU and across EU Member States. It should also present and analyse issues of legal interoperability between different Member States’ legal systems and present legal developments that facilitate or hinder the cross-border flow of data in the context of EOSC and in accordance to FAIR principles and practices.
The contract will be for the period May – August 2020.
Deadline for clarification questions: 27 March 2020
Call closes: 31 March 2020 (12 pm CET)
Please find the link with all the call’ details and the application form here