Workshop (in French and English): EOSC, a resource for research
On 8 April 2022, from 1:30 to 5:00 pm CET, contributors from PaNOSC and ExPaNDS, will present the projects and the state of the art of the realisation of the EOSC for the Photons and Neutrons community, at the workshop “EOSC, un atout pour la recherche” (EOSC, a resource for research) organised by MESRI, ESRF, SOLEIL, ILL and Paris VI.
The workshop is intended for scientists and future users of the EOSC. The speakers are mainly scientists who will give their vision of the EOSC and its advantages for science.
Event’s agenda
- 1:30 PM → 1:45 PM Introduction à EOSC, Volker Beckmann (MESRI / DGRI / SSRI / A7)
- 1:45 PM → 2:05 PM PaNOSC & ExPaNDS: résultats des projets EOSC, Jean-Francois Perrin (ESRF)
- 2:05 PM → 2:20 PM FAIR Data, John Helliwell (IUCr), Andy Thompson (SOLEIL)
- 2:20 PM → 2:35 PM Reflections for FAIR data at a tomography beamline at SOLEIL, Andrew King (SOLEIL)
- 2:35 PM → 2:50 PM Plateforme d’apprentissage pour la communauté, Ana Valcarcel-Orti (SOLEIL)
- 2:50 PM → 3:05 PM Break 15 min
- 3:05 PM → 3:25 PM VISA, la plateforme d’analyse des données des infrastructures de recherche, Catarina Michelagnoli (ILL), Lucille Mangin-Thro (ILL)
- 3:25 PM → 3:40 PM Utilisation des notebooks Jupyter pour la diffraction de poudre, Marine Cotte (ESRF)
- 3:40 PM → 3:55 PM Logbook électronique pour les expériences, Flora Yakhou (ESRF)
- 3:55 PM → 4:05 PM Aide à la création des DMPs pour les utilisateurs, Marjolaine Bodin (ESRF), Nils Blanc (CNRS-MAGNIFIX)
- 4:05 PM → 4:20 PM Importance of FAIR data and data sharing, Carlos Casorrán (European Commission / DG-RTD)
- 4:20 PM → 5:00 PM Table ronde: EOSC pour les communautés photon et neutron, quel avenir? Volker Beckmann (MESRI), Laurent Lellouch (CNRS), Intervenant (ILL), Intervenant (Soleil), Andy Gotz (ESRF)