Service R&D for Archiving and Preservation for Research Environments @RDA 17 Plenary meeting

The importance of long-term data preservation is underlined in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Nevertheless, it is not clearly specified how this aspect will be implemented or provided, considering that long-term preservation is not yet part of the EOSC service portfolio. ARCHIVER is the only EOSC-related H2020 project focusing on archiving and long-term data preservation, providing the research community with archiving and preservation services for petabyte scale datasets across multiple research domains and countries. The project adopted a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) approach to competitively procure these services from firms in three stages covering design, prototyping and pilot. The research ready commercial services are co-designed, co-developed and co-tested by CERN, DESY, EMBL-EBI and PIC. Three consortia, led by the IT companies Arkivum, LIBNOVA, and T-Systems, are currently involved in the prototype phase.
The “Service R&D for Archiving and Preservation for Research Environments” event that will take place on the 19th of April, at 16:00 CEST, in the framework of the 17th RDA Virtual Plenary, will focus on the current data preservation challenges addressed in the EOSC context, providing interactive demos of the innovative digital archiving and preservation solutions that are being developed by the ARCHIVER contractors, who will showcase how their solutions can be exploited in a number of domains and fields of applications, including High Energy Physics, Life Sciences, and Astrophysics.
The workshop will be open and free of charge. It targets the research data world-wide community that will meet for the RDA Virtual Plenary on 20-23 April, and is the first of a series of thematic, domain-oriented webinars aimed to introduce ARCHIVER long term data preservation solutions, together with the path to them via the PPC approach, to an audience of researchers and representatives from the data management and ESFRI communities.