PaNOSC & ExPaNDS Internal Workshop “Train the Trainers” / 2
- 2nd workshop: 23-24 March 2021 / online
As part of the PaNOSC and ExPaNDS projects, we are provisioning an e-learning platform under the domain name The e-learning platform is an adaptation of the e-learning platform to the wider photon and neutron (PaN) scattering community.
Train the Trainer Workshop’s Scope
To facilitate the adaptation of the e-learning platform at PaN sources, PaNOSC and ExPaNDS are organizing a workshop with the aim of training potential content providers and training providers in how to best use the platform for their needs, with the aim of developing hands-on content for the e-learning portal. The content can be in the form of text (wiki), quizzes, videos and annotated videos, and slide shows. To support more scientifically oriented training, the platform also contains a simulation tool where instrument simulations can be performed. Moreover, Jupyter is currently being integrated in order to support Python scripting and tutorials based on Jupyter notebooks.
Who should attend?
The workshop targets staff at PaN sources who are, or would like to be involved in providing training to other staff members or users of the facilities. Participants may thus be:
- PaN staff interested in teaching users how to best use a specific instrument or data infrastructure;
- Teachers at summer/winter schools.
We are also specifically interested in participants who would like to contribute to the specific deliverables of ExPaNDS and PaNOSC of interest for all the photon and neutron sources. E.g. training on data stewardship, training on how to use the services coming out of ExPaNDS and PaNOSC, and more general training on the usage of photon and neutron sources and the associated science.
We hope that participants in this workshop will work as ‘champions’ at their respective facility subsequently to this workshop.
Contact information
For further information about the event, please contact: Thomas Holm Rod