PaNOSC at SRI 2021 – 14th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation
On 31 March 2022, at 4:30 pm CEST, in the frame of the 14th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation – SRI 2021, PaNOSC WP6 leader, Jean-François Perrin, will present FAIR Data Analysis Services for Photon and Neutron Science, in the parallel session on Data, automation & remote access, which starts at 3:00 pm.
The core focus of the talk will be the work carried out in PaNOSC (and its sister project, ExPaNDS) to make remote data analysis possible through a data search and data analysis portal connected to the facility-specific services, such as authentication, metadata catalogues, file location information and remote analysis services, thus contributing to Reproducible Science and FAIR data, increasing the ability to find and inspect the data interactively. Such services have become of increasing importance during the pandemic, as also reported in the ERF’s review of working practices of analytical facilities during the pandemic [1].
The Common Portal for Data Analysis Services, VISA – developed within PaNOSC and ExPaNDS – aims to facilitate starting a data analysis session for data that have been collected. The VISA Portal aims to provide access to both remote desktop environments and Jupyter Notebooks, enabling users to remotely analyse data from photon and neutron sources. After initial deployment at facilities to provide remote analysis services to local data, the Portal will be deployed as part of the EOSC to provide federated data analysis of data across the facilities.
[1] Kolar, J., Harrison, A., Gliksohn, F., ERF’s review of working practices of analytical facilities during the pandemic, p. 2, May 2020, DOI: