ExPaNDS Symposium for Librarians and data policy staff
Thursday, 30th September, 2021, 10:00 – 12:00 & 14:00-16:00 CEST
Join ExPaNDS‘ event aimed at librarians and data managers who work with and support Photon and Neutron (PaN) science facilities.
The ExPaNDS Symposium for Librarians and data policy staff focuses on the interface between publications and data. How can we bring these together better for the benefit of all? Where are the gaps? What do we need to bridge them?
The online event is divided into two 2-hour morning and afternoon sessions.
Draft agenda
Time CEST | Topic | Speaker |
10:00 – 10:10 | Introduction | Brian Matthews (UKRI / STFC) |
10:10 – 11:00 | Data Licensing & Legislation | Lauro Fava (Pinsent Masons) Rebecca Grant (F1000, T&F) |
11:00 – 11:50 | Linking & Inter-relationships | Vasily Bunakov (UKRI/STFC) Topic: Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) Renaud Duyme (ESRF) Topic: PUMA Project |
11:50 – 12:00 | Wrap up AM session | Brian Matthews (UKRI/STFC) |
12:00 – 15:00 | BREAK | |
15:00 – 15:10 | Introduction – afternoon session | Brian Matthews (UKRI/STFC) |
15:10 – 16:00 | Impact & FAIR metrics | Mark Thorley (UKRI/STFC) Topic: OECD research data recommendations Robert Huber (Universität Bremen) Topic: F-UJI Tool |
16:00 – 16:20 | Publishing the experiment | Oliver Knodel (HZDR) |
16:20 – 16:50 | Final Q&A session from across the day | Brian Matthews (UKRI/STFC) |
16:50 – 17:00 | Wrap up PM session | Brian Matthews (UKRI/STFC) |
Please find below the explanations of some of the topics covered:
PIDs: A Persistent Identifier (PID) is a globally unique, long-lasting reference to a person, organisation, or ‘thing’ in the research ecosystem. ‘Things’ can be publications, samples, datasets, software, instruments – and many more! PIDs help to disambiguate (e.g. between two researchers with the same name) and – importantly for FAIR – to enable the unambiguous linking between the different elements of the research ecosystem, such as researchers, publications, datasets, and organisations. For a quick overview, see: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4574566
PUMA Project: The PUMA-BI tool developed by the ILL allows the automated matching of experiments (and, therefore, their associated research datasets) with journal articles, even where neither the experiments nor datasets are specifically referenced in the publications. Uncovering these ‘hidden’ connections between experiments, data, and publications enables PaN RIs to better demonstrate the full impact of their facilities. For more information, including on the additional Business Intelligence aspects of the tool, see: http://www.fill2030.eu/2019/02/28/puma-bi/
OECD research data recommendations: This legal instrument (updated in Jan 2021; previous version 2006) from the OECD and signed by most EU countries provides recommendations and policy guidance concerning access to research data resulting from partially or fully publicly funded research. Of relevance to national PaN RIs (i.e. who are often large producers of publicly funded research data) signatory countries must report back in five years’ time (2026) on their progress in relation to fully implementing these OECD recommendations. For more, see: https://www.oecd.org/sti/recommendation-access-to-research-data-from-public-funding.htm
F-UJI tool: F-UJI is an automated tool designed to assess the FAIRness of research datasets in online data repositories. To try out the tool, go to: https://www.f-uji.net/ .