
European HDF5 Users Online Meeting

The HDF5 file format is widely used in our communities to process and archive data for the long term. It is therefore one of the fundamental building blocks for Open Science. PaNOSC and the HDF Group would like to invite you to join us at the 2nd European HDF5 Users Meeting. The meeting will be held online via video conferencing. You are invited to submit talks on topics related to HDF5: how you are using it, new tools, problems etc. The virtual conference builds on the successful 1st European conference organised in 2019.

The Meeting will include updates on the latest developments on the HDF5 libraries and ecosystem from the HDF Group, and will be an occasion to learn and ask questions to experts and other members of the community. A lot has happened since the last meeting and we would like to share this with you.

If you have something to showcase please submit the title for your talk by 30 June.

If you are simply interested to get an update on latest developments, please register by 30 June, too. You need to register to get the connection details.