
  • D5.4 – VINYL software tested, documented, and released, including interactive simulation and analysis workflow

    The report details the latest releases of software developed under the umbrella of ViNYL including test suites, documentation. In addition, a use case where ViNYL software is employed in an iterative data analysis workflow in serial femtosecond crystallography is reported.

  • D6.1 – Data Hub

    The work of WP6 concerning data transfer is driven by 3 different uses cases where we try to explore the technical solutions available today, to understand their limits and how they could be integrated in the RIs ecosystem (technical integration, sustainability, investment and operational cost, support organisation, etc.): 

    1. A RI wants to archive its experimental data in a remote data centre. 
    2. A user wants to access a data analysis service, data has to be available “transparently”. 
    3. A facility user wants to transfer a large dataset from an RI’s archive to a remote compute centre or her or his home pc. 

    In the work related to this deliverable, the 2nd use case where a scientist wants to access a data analysis service offered by another organisation has been explored. The compute resources, where the service lives, are distant from the RI archive holding the data. 

  • D6.2 : Integration of local compute resources into EOSC portal

    The report presents the challenges in adopting, implementing and promoting the FAIR set of tools and services supporting PaN (but not limited to PaN) partners to integrate their services and resources into EOSC. 

  • D6.3 – Integration of the PaN AAI into the EOSC

    The Federated Identity Management (FIM), commonly called Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI), is a critical topic in the PaN community due to the federated nature of the services provided by the different and on many aspects independent Research Infrastructures (RIs) that compose the community. One of the key objectives of the PaNOSC project is to transform the community AAI, UmbrellaID, for reaching full compatibility with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) architecture. 

    The document describes the current achievements of UmbrellaID done in PaNOSC WP6 and the roadmap to join other communities in an interoperable, trustworthy and secured authentication and authorisation framework inside EOSC AAI. 

  • D6.4 – Demonstration of the PaN software catalogue integration into EOSC – Support document

    The Photon and Neutron (PaN) software catalogue was created in 2012 to collect and provide a standard selection of different data processing and simulation software used in the community. The software in the catalogue can be freely consulted and downloaded, and provides an overview of software available for neutron and photon experiments, their use with respect to instruments at experimental facilities and information about their support.

    The ILL IT team was in charge of the development tasks linked to the upgrade of the software catalogue.

    The development work took place during winter 2020-2021, the solution was rolled out in production in April 2021. The code of the application has been modernised to support container deployment (i.e. docker) and facilitate maintenance, and the two main functionalities necessary to integrate EOSC (AAI and Rest API) have been added.

  •  D6.6 – Integration of RIs in EOSC 

    The report provides the plan and the strategy to provision domain-specific services developed by WP3 – Data Catalog Services, WP4 – Data Analysis Services, WP5 – Virtual Neutron and X-ray Laboratory (VINYL) and WP8 – Staff and User Training into the EOSC Portal and make them available to the scientific community. 

  • D7.1 – PaN EOSC Stakeholder Feedback

    D7.1 describes the stakeholders for the PaN Open Science Cloud community, from whom feedback will be solicited during the execution of the project. The list of stakeholders will be used for creating links and collecting input and feedback for the execution of the PaNOSC project and for the relevance and sustainability of services within the EOSC. The stakeholders will be solicited for surveys and direct interaction whenever possible and their feedback will be integrated in the relevant deliverable. 

    This report furthermore describes the methodology used to build the stakeholder database, presents the main categories of stakeholders and a preliminary list of them, as well as a questionnaire to collect feedback from partners and observers. The final part includes a description of the survey tool to be used to collect the feedback from the stakeholders and a summary of the specific feedback which is planned to be asked to the stakeholders.

  • D7.2 – Photon and Neutron EOSC metrics and costs model

    The document reports the result and analysis of the collection of costs reported by partners for the data services provided to the community, including the costs involved in data management, provision of FAIR data and participation to the EOSC.

    The collection was performed by five PaNOSC partners that run very different infrastructures in terms of their nature (synchrotrons, neutron sources, free electron lasers, lasers), size, FAIRness level achieved at the moment of the cost collection and services provided, lifecycle and accounting practices. However, although the identification of cost drivers was a challenging exercise, the information collected could help other RIs to estimate the costs involved in the provision of these services.

    The costs associated with the EOSC are based on the available budget and not on the actual costs ruled by demand. The future demand of services from a wider community is still to be assessed, since the services are still being setup and made available openly. However, it is clear that with the current budget RIs will provide services, including long term storage and curation, on a best effort basis and that if a wider community will need to benefit, funding will need to be increased proportionally.

  • D7.3 – PaN EOSC Business Model Reference Document

    The document presents business and funding models that could be applicable to photon and neutron facilities to sustain the outcomes of PaNOSC. 

  • D8.1 – Report on lessons learned and future prospects for adopting best
    practices data stewardship at the PaNOSC facilities

    The report aggregates and presents the progress and challenges in adopting FAIR standards for data and services, including associated training, identified by the photon and neutron community members during the PaNOSC project.
    The collected list of challenges and solutions has been presented, in different workshops during the last year, where common topics like DOIs, PIDs, ORCHID, NeXus, were introduced as solutions or candidates for solving the photon and neutron (PaN) community Data Governance and Data Stewardship challenges.

  • D8.2 – Lessons learned and future prospects for adopting the e-learning platform pan-learning

    The report starts with a status for the PaNOSC provisioned e-learning platform to form the background for lessons learned and future prospects. 

    The document also presents the outcomes of the online workshop aimed to foster uptake of the e-learning platform by the PaNOSC beneficiaries.

  • D8.3 – Teaching materials for users of PaNOSC services, FAIR principles, and the PaNOSC facilities accessible in the e-learning platform

    The e-learning platform contains a wide range of material, ranging from that supplement lectures in neutron scattering at Copenhagen University, to workshops used in teaching at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Facility. D8.3 focuses on the material that was prepared as part of the PaNOSC summer school. This summer school focused on introducing PaNOSC services, FAIR principles and the PaNOSC facilities, in application to materials science topics. 

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