D7.1 – PaN EOSC Stakeholder Feedback
D7.1 describes the stakeholders for the PaN Open Science Cloud community, from whom feedback will be solicited during the execution of the project. The list of stakeholders will be used for creating links and collecting input and feedback for the execution of the PaNOSC project and for the relevance and sustainability of services within the EOSC. The stakeholders will be solicited for surveys and direct interaction whenever possible and their feedback will be integrated in the relevant deliverable.
This report furthermore describes the methodology used to build the stakeholder database, presents the main categories of stakeholders and a preliminary list of them, as well as a questionnaire to collect feedback from partners and observers. The final part includes a description of the survey tool to be used to collect the feedback from the stakeholders and a summary of the specific feedback which is planned to be asked to the stakeholders.