
  • D1.1 – Project Initiation Documentation

    The Project Initiation Documentation (PID) is a set of documents that bring together key information needed to start the project on a sound basis and that convey the information to all concerned with the project.
    This document is a snapshot for what is known of the project at the time of writing, however PaNOSC will keep a copy for internal use that will evolve with the project.

  • D1.2 – Data Management Plan

    D1.2 concerns the Data Management Plan (DMP) for the PaNOSC project. The purpose of this deliverable is to support the data management life cycle for all data that will be collected, processed or generated by the project. It provides a description of the data types the project will generate and how the data will be collected and stored and made available for validation, exploitation and re-use by others. 

    The PaNOSC project is about providing support for scientific data management and linking scientific data to the EOSC. In this respect PaNOSC does not produce any scientific data. PaNOSC produces services, software for managing scientific data and documents (deliverables) on scientific data management and services. The DMP covers these data as well as recommendations for the scientific data which will be managed by PaNOSC. 

    The information in the DMP will be updated during the course of the project. 

  • D1.3 – Mid-Year Summary Report

    D1.3 summarises the progress achieved in the project in the first 6 months of implementation. As such, this document and the ones that follow on months 18, 30 and 42 will complement the four instances of annual workshop reports (months 12, 24, 36 and 48) to provide a regular update on the project, its management and comparing its current status with what was forecasted. 

  • D1.4 – Report of Annual Workshop 1

    D1.4 is a summary of the progress achieved in the project since the management report, D1.3 Mid-year summary 1. As such, the document provides an update on the project status, a summary of the annual meeting and a report from the Executive Committee.

  • D1.5 Mid-year summary (May 2020)

    D1.5 summarises the progress achieved in the project in the first 18 months of implementation. As such, this document and the ones that follow on months 30 and 42 will complement the four instances of annual workshop reports (months 12, 24, 36 and 48) to provide a regular update on the project, its management and comparing its current status with what was forecasted.

  • D1.6 Report of annual workshop / 2

    D1.6 is a summary of the progress achieved in the project since the management report, D1.5 – Mid-Year Summary, submitted in May 2020. As such, the document provides an update on the project status, a summary of the PaN EOSC Symposium and the annual meeting held on 9-11 November 2020, jointly with the ExPaNDS project, and a report from the Executive Committee.

  • D1.7 Mid-year summary (May 2021)

    D1.7 is a summary of the progress achieved in the project since the management report, D1.6 – Mid-Year Summary, submitted in November 2020. As such, this document and the one that will follow on month 42 will complement the four instances of annual workshop reports (months 12, 24, 36 and 48) to provide a regular update on the project, its management and comparing its current status with what was forecasted. 

  • D1.8 – Report of annual workshop 3

    D1.8 summarises the PaNOSC and ExPaNDS Symposium hosted by PSI that took place on the 26th of October 2021. The management boards of both projects decided to organise a fully remote joint event due to the travel and health restrictions in place at national level and at the partner organisations because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, it was decided to postpone the annual meeting until the end of spring 2022 hoping a face-to-face event will be possible. As a consequence, this report covers the Symposium as opposed to the Annual Meeting. 

    To complement the report on the Symposium, a brief report from the Executive Board meeting, which took place in September, and the progress reports from all work packages is also included. 

  • D1.9 – Mid-year summary (May 2022)

    D1.9 summarises the progress achieved in the project since the last management report until the month 42 of project execution (May 2022). As such, this document and the one that will follow on month 48 will complement the previous reports (at months 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36) to continue providing a regular update on the project, its management and comparing its current status with what was forecasted. 

  • D2.1 – PaNOSC data policy framework

    The document describes the common framework for management of scientific data at photon and neutron facilities. The new framework is an evolution of the original PaNdata data policy framework from 2010 and integrates practical experience gathered since the original inception of this data policy. 

  • D2.2 – DMP Template for facility users

    This document describes the work undertaken to complete PaNOSC task 2.5: Define and implement a template for data management plans for experiments performed at the PaNOSC research infrastructures. Implementations should support automatic filing of the template data based on existing information about the experiment.

    This task links to the ExPaNDS project Task 2.2 that has the objective of presenting a DMP framework considering knowledge sources and related roles and activities for DMP-relevant information. This framework aims to integrate the DMP information into data lifecycle and metadata collections, and within the RDMO tool for policy enforcement and reporting.

  • D2.3 – Guidelines on best practices implementing the PaNOSC data policy framework

    This document provides guidelines on how to implement a research data policy at Photon and Neutron (PaN) sources and at Research Infrastructures (RIs) in general. The document is organised as a set of annotated guidelines based on the experience of six PaN institutes (ESRF, ILL, EuXFEL, ESS, CERIC-ERIC and ELI) who have either already implemented a data policy, or are in the process of implementing a data policy.

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